World War Three, The Spammer’s War

In recent news, email users beware! because spammers, out to destroy your computer, started sending out strange emails about the invasion of Iran and the start of World War III. Larking in this email are links with Mal-ware and Trojan viruses attached to them.

Strangely enough, these emails have become a big problem, especially for those who have loved ones in the service. There is no click hesitancy when unsuspecting computer users read the headlines of some of their emails which state ‘Third World War has begun.’ This is how the spammer catch and leech onto their prey.

Usually the emails contain several sentences about the United States Army invading Iran and starting World War III with the dropping of a nuclear bomb. Here are some of the direct quotes from the email:

Just now US Army’s Delta Force and IS Air Force have invaded Iran.

Approximately 20,000 Us solders crossed the border into Iran and broke down the Iran[ian] Army resistance.

The video made by Us soldier was made [this] morning. click on the video to see the first minutes of the beginning of World War III. god save us.

Once unsuspecting people click the video, several different viruses are downloaded into the person’s computer unit. These viruses include the Troj/Tibs-UO Trojan and Mal/ObfJS-AY viruses.

The major problem with this email is that people usually take advantage of the Internet’s capabilities of broadcasting breaking news. Of course people that are directly affected by this will click the link or the video. I would say that the best way to fight this would be to keep your computer up to date with its virus protection and don’t click on links that are in emails (suspicious). Also, if you want breaking news, check with or before trusting emails.

4 Responses

  1. Interestingly, I’ve had a few spam emails that have passed through my gmail spam filter in recent days. Not totally related to the post, I know. Haha

  2. Only a few spam filters can beat the spammers in World War Three and the one i would like to mention here is Abaca’s ReceiverNet service.ReceiverNet technology characterizes each protected user based on the percentage of spam they receive and then uses those reputations to rate the incoming message flow. Download the Osterman Research white paper from this link for more information.

  3. That is a very interesting article!

  4. […] – bookmarked by 3 members originally found by celchu19 on 2008-12-31 World War Three, The Spammer’s War – bookmarked by 4 […]

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